Proposte operative al raggiungimento degli scopi

To achieve the set objectives, various interventions of different entities are planned depending on the current state of conservation of each point of interest. Broadly speaking, they can be described as follows:

  • cutting the vegetation around the ancient artifacts;

  • recovery and restoration of three ancient Gra used to dry chestnuts, one still periodically in operation today and a symbol of rural culture;

  • construction of a panoramic point above the village, which shows the natural landscape characteristics of the foothills;

  • recovery and restoration of the cultural and architectural heritage belonging to the area of the "Grotti";

  • recovery of the vineyards in the foothills with management of the forest that avancing towards constructed areas;

  • improvement of the north, up to the chestnut forest recovered last year, to create a link between two rural entities of the past;

  • recovery of the old power plant of the company "Acqua e Luce", built in Moghegno at the beginning of the last century, as evidence of the local community;

  • enhancement of the before mentioned elements and other significant natural or anthropic elements, with their representation on various promotion and communication tools (guides, internet pages,...);

  • creation of a modern educational path every age category;

  • promotion of the socio-cultural life of the village by organizing activities related to the operational proposals carried out (for example, didactic and environmental education activities with children and teenagers, voluntary work, parties, inaugurations);

  • local economic promotion thanks to the collaboration with small local producers and restaurants in the area.

The project is expected to be implemented between 2022-2026 and is a first step towards a global and sustainable management of the landscape of the "Grotti" area. THis could extend beyond 2026, with further projects to improve the natural, agricultural and traditional settlement throughout Moghegno. In particular, we are thinking about the restauration of a greater number of "grottos", more than those described in this document, and the complete restoration of the C'a d la Cialèsta, a valuable house in the nucleus of Moghegno, which could have new life in future, thanks to local use in schools, temporary exhibitions or even a hostel.